Thank you for visiting my website, where I share my work offerings and experience, as well as my love of nature, poetry, and the hope that, through deepening our awareness and appreciation of the natural world, we can bring beauty, peacefulness, and simplicity into our lives.
Over the years, I have been inspired and motivated by a few words that I keep with me and which I read long ago, by Vietnamese monk Thích Nhất Hạnh, that said, 'If we want peace, we need to be peace; peace is a practice, not a hope.' And through my writing, I explore the concept of living a peaceful life in harmony with the wider living world; and then deeper thoughts of how peace comes from within and from the small decisions we make each day to consciously honour that desire for peace.
Among my offerings, I curate awareness displays and projects focusing on conceptual artworks within a broader environmental narrative. I have also recently released my first short novel, As the Wild Geese Fly, which has a poignant environmental narrative drawn from my many years working in marine and wilderness conservation, and I am busy articulating a vision to translate the story into a short film.
Belinda Ashton
It is in the delicate balancing of all that we have achieved in our modern world with the deeper spiritual dimensions of reverence for the earth that we move eloquently and sensitively towards the wholeness of our lives.
a new way of being
I truly believe that living as simple a life as possible and being mindful of our material impacts adds a significant depth to one’s life that resonates with the knowledge that we are both caring and cognisant of the wider living world around us...
Continued via the link on the left.
“Amidst all of life's uncertainties, this bright, sudden awareness of a path forward, flowing with hope, awakened to enchantment...”
from my book 'As the Wild Geese Fly'
As the Wild Geese Fly
...the mist settling on the marshes, that morning of your return, and the buzzards calling over the valley and across the hills
​It was an ordinary afternoon, like any other. Then, in a moment, reaching among the books, Rachel removes a slim collection of poems that will have a lasting influence on her life...
My short novel, As the Wild Geese Fly, has recently been released - a story filled with my love of nature and poetry.
It will soon be available on Amazon Kindle